Fact-Checking Policy

At gacudt.in, we aim to provide accurate news. We have a strict fact-checking process to ensure our information is true and reliable. Here are our Fact-Checking Policy principles:

1. Commitment to Accuracy We focus on factual, verified, and error-free reporting. Every piece is reviewed before publishing.

2. Rigorous Verification Process Our process involves checking facts multiple times. Journalists and editors verify information with trusted sources and experts.

3. Reliance on Credible Sources We use reliable sources like government reports, academic studies, and expert opinions. Unverified sources are avoided unless necessary, with clear context provided.

4. Clear Attribution All information is credited to its original source. This ensures transparency and allows for independent verification.

5. Correction and Updates We correct errors promptly and acknowledge them. Updated articles are clearly marked.

6. Handling Disputes We investigate disputed facts thoroughly, presenting both sides fairly.

7. Avoiding Speculation Speculative content is not published as news. Opinions and analyses are clearly labeled.

8. Regular Training Our team receives ongoing training in fact-checking.

9. Use of Fact-Checking Tools We use advanced tools to verify the authenticity of various content forms.

10. Ethical Considerations Our process follows ethical guidelines, respecting privacy and ensuring fairness.

Fact-checking is central to our mission. For questions or to report an error, please contact us at support@gacudt.in.

Thank you for choosing gacudt.in for reliable news.